Products from

Les délices de Gwendo

Preserves maker, Chevenez
Gwendoline Halin
Interested by Soups and preserves, vegetables & dried fruit in Jura? Theses products are sold by Les délices de Gwendo in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

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Racines rouge
Potage Carotte, courgette, fenouil
Soupe d'hiver
Soupe aux pois
Carottes Bio Suisse
Betterave rouge Bio Suisse
Choux de Bruxelles bio Suisse
Choux romanesco, Bio
Noix Bio
Raisins secs Bio
Datte Medjool Bio
Noix de cajou Bio
Banane Bio
Orange Tarocco Bio
Pomme Acidulée Bio
Melon Charentais Bio
Smoothie Banane- Kiwi
Citronnade Bio
Ketchup maison
Sauce tomate Bio

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Purée Rhubarbe - Banane

Hampers and Baskets

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Panier de produits du terroir
Panier Ruche
Panier de produits du terroir