Products from

De Clercq lv

Cattle farmer, Vegetable grower, Smetlede
Lv De Clercq
Lv De Clercq started De Clercq lv in 2011. Their farm is located in Smetlede, Vlaanderen.

Their farm

Kweken van witloof aardappelen en belgisch witblauw vleesvee

Molenhoek 124
9340 Smetlede
Established in
full-time employees

De Clercq lv's professions and practices


280 animals


Breeding methods

The livestock is born on my farm

I rear my animals in open air


My animals have a diet based on processed food (granules, flour, pellets), My animails have a diet based on grass or other fodder, My animals have a diet based on grain, I use of vitamins and dietary supplements for my animals

The food for my animals comes from a national supplier, The food for my animals comes from a local farmer, The food for my animals is produced on my farm

I use feed with GMO ingredients

Care of livestock

I have a preventative care system

I use vaccinations on my animals, I use an antibiotic-based care

Processing and secondary ingredients

My produce is used for other products by a third party

The other ingredients involved are : kruiden

My ingredients come from a national supplier

Products coming from conventional sources


We hebben een gesloten bedrijf, er worden geen runderen aangekocht enkel verkocht. Michael kent de afstamming van de dieren goed om te kweken naar een gezonde veestapel

This information has been declared by the Producer.