Products from

De fil en fantaisie

Non-food artisan, Biel/Bienne
Jacynthe Villard
Jacynthe Villard started De fil en fantaisie in 2015. Their farm is located in Biel/Bienne, Bern.

Their farm

Ma passion est le crochet, en particulier pour les enfants et les bébés. Chaque modèle est unique et fait main.

rue Thellung 1
2502 Biel/Bienne
Established in
full-time employee

De fil en fantaisie's professions and practices


I use my own premise

Base ingredient

Laine, coton, polyester

My ingredients come from an EU supplier

My ingredients come from conventional sources

Secondary ingredients

Secondary ingredients : not specified

Origin of secondary ingredients : not specified

Features of secondary products : not specified

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Features of the other ingredients : not specified

This information has been declared by the Producer.